Purchase of building materials
Construction and repair are impossible without the use of building materials, which is why it is important to find where to buy them. The modern market offers a wide assortment of building materials and their dealers.
Group of companies A-ES Group Construction is an ideal combination of high quality and low price of building materials. We carefully select our suppliers and keep an eye on our price updates. Thanks to German cooperation partnersHanseGrand, our building materials are of high quality and at manufacturers' prices.
We also produce various types of concrete products in Latvia, structures, concrete wall blocks, landscaping concrete products and much more. We work according to individual orders.
Road surfaces
Road surfaces for roads, parking lots, parks and various areas
Pavements for pedestrians and cyclists
Tree and shrub landscaping coverings (geomaterials)
Dynamic "HanseMineral" road surface
A landscaping solution without a base layer
Economic road surfaces
Keramzite products for strengthening road surfaces and foundations
HansePor® keramzīta dobuma pildījums, lai pilnībā izolētu spraugas starp sijām.
HansePor® CableProtection -videi draudzīga kabeļu aizsardzība
Groundfix® matrači tiek izmantoti pamatu un cauruļvadu būvniecībā. Gan ģeotekstils, gan keramzīts nodrošina ideālu ūdens caurlaidību un slodžu absorbciju uz mīkstas zemes.
HansePor®-W keramzīts - videi draudzīgas granulas ceļu kaisīšanai ziemas sezonai
HansePor® keramzīta 8/16 viegls materiāls ceļu būvē ar augstu nestspēju apakškonstrukcijām
HansePor® termogrīda - siltumizolējošs slānis